The reason you're stuck and not more deeply connected to nature is because part of you likes being in control.
You aren't experiencing wisdom, lessons, growth, more love, more money and more success because you're controlling what is possible for you, in fear, listening to the voice of the ego and operating from a past version of yourself.
Releasing this control allows you to surrender, allow what is, and make space for more of your blessings to flow into your life.
Surrendering to what is by being connected deeply to nature, allows you to radiate your authentic feminine essence, bringing to you the things and experiences you deeply desire to have.
The Solution?
Let your magnetism increase and spend more time with your feet on the ground. Understand the essential need to be connected, intimate with self, and available to meet your needs. Spend time grounding, practicing ecotherapy, and release the need for your life to look a certain way. Watch the ducks and return to the present moment.