The reason you may be experiencing an intense "flight response" and need to move, up and go, fix and change, move houses, end relationships, change jobs - could be because you're likely about to actually feel very safe. Safe in the body. At home with yourself. At home in your being.
And because this safety is very foreign to the body, the flight response can indicate danger, a need to change, fix, do anything other than 'be here' - where it's actually safe.
Potentially revealing the very close proximity to being and feeling fully safe.
The running itself, being the avoidance to actually feel safe; to keep grinding, pushing, proving, challenging, running -
Not to the fear, but to the power you have to overcome the fear.
Let that sink in.
Isn't that scary but wonderful?
The moving, shifting and changing in itself - if worked through, sat with, and fear spoken to with discernment - could mean that very soon, safety will reveal itself. The type of safety that you didn't know was possible. The type of safety that obliterates old cycles of lack, toxic relationships, lack of abundance and insecurity.
So, what within you is preventing you from being regulated, at home, happy, resting, relaxing and finally safe?
Of course, with all my posts, please use your discernment and trust your own inner voice - you are sovereign, and your own Inner Guide.